Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Color Fields from the Ledges at Overlook Mountain

Mountain House Ruins

Old Mountain House

Highest southern peak of the Catskill Escarpment.
My first hike up the Old Carriage Road on Overlook Mountain to the panorama stretching across and beyond 5 states: New York Hudson River Valley & Catskills, Massachusetts & Berkshires , New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, along with the long Hudson River. Climbed to the top of the fire tower afterwards in high-gust winds, rattling, aggressively shaking the metal structure, rapidly photographing. Distinct mountain shapes, some like plateaus, different rock structure compared to Berkshires.

Woodstock, NY; The Catskills

Mamiya RB67
Multiple Exposures
120 Film, Ektar
Hand-held filters
May 4, 2015